16 Main St. Hempstead, NY 11550

Nassau PFC Dwyer

PFC Dwyer

Nassau County Vet2Vet Peer Networking Groups

“Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit”

“Are you happy with your job? Are you capable of a healthy relationship? Are you capable of fulfilling your dreams? If you didn’t answer yes to any of these very simple questions then you need to recognize that your way of thinking is UNSAT, or unsatisfactory” -Former U.S. Navy SEAL David Rutherford


  • Seeking a connection with your fellow Nassau County Veterans?
  • Need a support buddy to overcome personal challenges?
  • Want to continue your “Service” by helping fellow veterans in need?

Nassau is one of the 15 New York State Counties that are participating in the PFC. Joseph Dwyer program, which provides veteran peer support. Vet2Vet is a small group of veterans who meet weekly to share knowledge, provide mutual support, and share resources. Groups maintain confidentiality and are open to veterans of all generations, regardless of discharge status. Groups are co-facilitated by a diverse team of fellow veterans who have been trained in providing veteran peer support. PFC Dwyer Vet2Vet group are FREE of charge. No pre-registration is necessary!

Meeting Time & Location

MONDAYS 5:15 pm– Mental Health Association- 16 Main St. Hempstead, 11550 (Park in the municipal lot across the street. Use the side parking lot and side entrance closest to the gated area)

*SPOUSE/ PARTNER MEETING- TUESDAYS 6:30 pm- Mental Health Association- 16 Main St. Hempstead, 11550 (Park in the municipal lot across the street. Use the side parking lot and side entrance closest to the gated area)

*WOMEN ONLY MEETING– WEDNESDAYS 6:30 pm- 16 Main St. Hempstead, 11550 (Park in the municipal lot across the street. Use the side parking lot and side entrance closest to the gated area)

WEDNESDAYS 6:30 pm– Mental Health Association- 16 Main St. Hempstead, 11550 (Park in the municipal lot across the street. Use the side parking lot and side entrance closest to the gated area) Veterans, family memebers and caretaker’s

Thursday 2:00 pm (Bi- Weekly) Levittown Public Library 1 Bluegrass Lane Levittown, NY 11756

  • Nassau County is providing “Vet2Vet” Peer Networking groups, using the national Vet2Vet model developed by Moe Armstrong, a decorated Vietnma Veteran. Nassau County is also one of 12 New York State Counties that is providing Veteran Peer Support through the PFC. Dwyer Program.
  • Vet2Vet will be small groups of veterans, who will meet weekly, to share knowledge, provide mutual support, and share resources. Groups will maintain confidentiality, and are open to veterans of all generations, regardless of discharge status.
  • For ease of access, Vet2Vet Groups will be offered at various times (afternoon, evening) and in various Nassau County locations. Groups will be co-facilitated by a diverse team of fellow veterans who have been trained in providing peer support.